
First Lady Weekend

Join Co-Pastor Victoria and the Women of Mount Calvary on Saturday, May 2nd for lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse! 1:00 pm, sharp! RSVP Below and tell us that you plan to attend!

Women’s Ministry Vision Board Party

Visions Boards help us to map our own life!  As women we do so much for others and we can forget about our own goals, but this Friday is our time! Come out and fellowship with the women of MCHCWS for a Vision Board Party!  See you at 6:30 pm! JOIN US!

Triad Men’s Summit-Bishop Hanchell Invited Speaker

We would like men to attend this summit with Bishop Hanchell.  If you are interested, please sign-up below and we will follow-up with you.   Guest Speakers for the Day: Dr. Tejado Hanchell Stu Weber Gen WG Boykin Michael Jr. Dr. Keith Carroll Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby! Nikita Koloff Lex Luger TAWCMM website:    Facebook …

Triad Men’s Summit-Bishop Hanchell Invited Speaker Read More »

Family and Friends Day 2015

Come and join us for our annual Family and Friends Day~! 10:00 am, the MCHCWS Kingdom Servant who brings the most guests will win a prize! Return for our 4:00 pm for our Ole’ Skool music service and hear how much was raised to burn our church mortgage debt!

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