21 Day Fast for 2020

MCHCWS New Year’s Fast

Monday, January 6th – Sunday, January 26th


“Making Disciples of Christ” Through the Spiritual Disciplines

Bishop Tejado W. Hanchell, Senior Pastor ~ Dr. Victoria F. Hanchell, Co-Pastor ~ Elder Nathan Munford, Asst. Pastor

Purpose of Fasting:  The purpose of fasting is to loosen to some degree the ties which bind us to the world of material things and our surroundings as a whole, in order that we may concentrate all our spiritual powers upon the unseen and eternal things.


Medical Concerns:  Please fast as you are medically able.  Please consult a medical professional for any physical concerns as MCHCWS assumes no medical liability.


Please note:

  1.  Abstaining from fleshly desires can bring a shift in mood or attitude.  Please be mindful of this and pray for a pleasant demeanor.
  2. Changes in diet can produce a shift in dental health.  Please be sure to carry breath freshener at all times.
  3. Hydrate with water constantly!
  4. Attend church and special worship services on a regular basis to constantly feed your spirit.  See the schedule of corporate prayer and worship times below.
  5. Read the scriptures daily and read them more than once a day for spiritual strength.
  6. Pray the topics outlined and pray as the Lord guides you to pray.
  7. Fasting is not a diet.  This fast is to produce a greater spiritual sense of awareness by limiting our fleshly desires.  Read the scriptures, listen to gospel music and watch Christian TV to constantly feed your spirit.


Fasting As A Spiritual Discipline:

When we become Christians, we have to develop our faith over time. There are spiritual disciplines that help us become stronger in our faith. Unlike the spiritual gifts which are provided to us by the Holy Spirit, spiritual disciplines are more like finely honed tools that aid us in our spiritual walks. Yet each of the spiritual disciplines takes time to develop and effort to incorporate into our daily lives.


Spiritual disciplines exercise our spirit, mind, and emotions so that we become closer to God. They help us see His will for our lives more clearly so that we can live the life He desires for us. The more we practice these disciplines, the better we get at them, and the stronger we make our faith.


There are twelve spiritual disciplines — those that are personal and those that are corporate. These disciplines are those that each individual should develop for him or herself, and some the entire church body can do together.

Fasting might be the hardest spiritual discipline of them all. There is something that happens to us when we starve the flesh. Our heart begins to align with the will of God. Our prayers are strengthened, our repentance is more real, and our worship becomes more genuine.

Joel 2:12 “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.




The Fast Is As Follows:

Week #1:  Monday, January 6th – Sunday, January 12th

  • Food:  Fruits and Vegetables (Cooked – nonfried,  or Raw)
  • Drink:  Water, Limited Coffee/Tea.

Week #2:  Monday, January 13th – Sunday, January 19th

  • Food:  Fruits and Vegetables (Cooked – nonfried, or Raw)
    • Add:  Poultry (nonfried)
    • Drink:  Water, Limited Coffee/Tea.

Week #3:  Monday, January 20th – Sunday, January 26th

  • Food:  Fruits and Vegetables (Cooked – nonfried,  or Raw), Poultry (nonfried)
    • Add:  Fish
    • Drink:  Water, Limited Coffee/Tea.

Additional Services:

Services during January New Years Fast

Mondays in January (Mondays with Pastor Munford – Nights of Prayer)

  • Monday, January 6th – Elder Munford
  • Monday, January 13th – Elder Munford
  • Monday, January 20th – Elder Munford


Wednesdays in January (Wednesday Worship with Bishop)

  • Wednesday, January 8th – Bishop Hanchell
  • Wednesday, January 15th – Bishop Hanchell
  • Wednesday, January 22nd – Bishop Hanchell


Fridays in January (Fire Fridays with Co-Pastor Hanchell

  • Friday, January 10th – CoPastor Hanchell
  • Friday, January 17th – CoPastor Hanchell
  • Friday, January 24th – Joint MCHC-NC Piedmont Jurisdictional Service in Durham, NC**









Chery, Fritz. “What is Spiritual Discipline”.  Nov. 10, 2018, https://biblereasons.com/what-is-spiritual-discipline/



Mahoney, Kelli. “Overview of Spiritual Disciplines and How They Work.” Learn Religions, Jun. 25, 2019, learnreligions.com/what-are-spiritual-disciplines-712414.

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