Important Announcement
On Sunday, March 18th, after a powerful and impactful worship service at Mt. Calvary, I was informed by the Storehouse Ministry that the offering bag had been stolen. We immediately sprang into action and tracked down clues to lead us to the perpetrator who had the audacity to steal God’s money!
The deacons quickly identified a prime suspect and we brought the person in for questioning and called the police. After a period of questioning, we are fairly certain that we know who is responsible for the theft. However, the matter is still under investigation by the Winston-Salem Police Department.
While we have to wait for WSPD to do their job, we wanted to make sure that you, the congregation, are aware of what is going on. Also, if you wrote a check this Sunday, or wrote your credit card information on your envelope, please be sure to monitor your accounts against any fraud. Until we resolve this matter, you may want to take the additional step of stopping payment on your check(s) and/or informing your card holder of this breach.
We certainly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We have never experienced anything like this, and we are doing everything we can to amend our internal policies and practices to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again!
I do pray that this will in no way hinder your future financial support of our church. We will continue to employ best practices for financial accountability and maintenance of records, and we will do everything in our power to protect your privacy and vital information.
I ask that you please pray for our church staff and leadership as we navigate through this situation. I want to thank them for their hard work in being on top of this from the beginning and making sure that law enforcement has all the necessary information to bring this matter to a successful resolution. Special thanks go out to our Storehouse Ministry and our Deacons who showed exemplary Christian leadership in their efforts today – as they do always.
In Christ’s Service,
+ Tejado W. Hanchell
Bishop Tejado W. Hanchell, Ph. D
Senior Pastor